Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 35

volume Number : 10
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 35

volume Number 10، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 35

Orfi's Specific Methods of Utilizing Rhetorical Forms in Creation of Abstract images

Shahram Ahmadi (Author in Charge), Alice Saeedi , Mostafa Mirdar Rezaee


Orfi Shirazi (963-999 AH), also known as "the inentor of the new way", has had an important role in the formation and development of Hindi soyle. He is also one of those poets who has succeeded in creating new content and developing novel com pounds and images, and has shaped the new content-formation through creative salls and unique use of imagery and technizues of literary forms. Browsing the collection of his poems (Divan) represents a bulk of common temes and new combinations that have not been found in earlier poets" works Orfi is also the first poet in whose Diwan glares the abundance of abstract images as an agent of the shile-maker Two basic questions of the present analytic-descriptive painteresarch employing library resources are: 1. What are Orfi"s specific tools and practices for the creation of abstract images? 2. Which literary element in Orfis Divan is more prominent for the creation of abstract images. The results of this study indicate that Orji takes advantage of some rhetorical technique to draw the pictures 1/3 his mind The most frequent and important literary figures to which Ort resorts to create initiative images include simile, metaphor and metonymy In employing simile, Orfi imagines, Visualizes and produces abstractions 37 addition to reflection of external images. But the essential point in the study of metaphors in Orfi"s Divanis his special use of verbal metaphors to the extent that We can say that this art is the most prominent literary element that Orfi employs for the creation ofabstract images. Striking about the irony used by Ort to create abstract images is that irony and implicit metaphor mingle together and as a result, a new literary art called "metaphoncal irony." or "ironic metaphor" is formed.

Orfi , Hindt style , abstract image , simile , implicit and derived metaphor irony

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